Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network


Share WUDA Overseas Alumni Network

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Sharing Resources at wuda-alumni.org

[2010/08/15] Things have changed a lot since the idea was first proposed. The cost is no longer an issue -- it is supported by 一品网); and disk space is no longer a concern -- we practically have unlimited space. The idea remains the same -- we want all Wuda overseas alumni organizations to share the resources we have.

1. Basic idea

The medical school alumni registered wuda-alumni.org, but they use only a fraction of the resources available. To better use the resources, we invite other Wuda alumni organizations (including those of former Cehui 测绘 and Shuidian 水电) to join us and share this site.

2. Benefits

  • Save money: we only need to pay one domain name and hosting fee.
  • Convenient for users: they only need to remember one name.
3. Technical considerations

We will create individual folders (directories) under wuda-alumni.org. Each folder is independent of the others and will be maintained by the individual group/association. For example,

  • www.wuda-alumni.org/med ---- for medical school
  • www.wuda-alumni.org/dc ----- for DC area
  • www.wuda-alumni.org/ny ------ for New York area
Each group has its own ftp account (username and pass word) for uploading or changing files oon its web site. Each group only have access of its own files and cannot make changes in other groups' content.

We have a total of about 3000 MB disk spaces, and this number increases every year without additional cost. We currently used less than 500 MB disk space.

4. Cost

The cost is about $50 per year. For 2004-2006, it was paid by donations of medical school alumni: Yidao Cai ($38), Xiaoqiang Kang ($35) and Shen Zhong ($35). However, we expect to cover the cost with our support program (details).

5. Other considerations

Besides folder for different groups/associations, we will have a common area for all Wuda alumni for purposes of news concerning all alumni, alumni directory, alumni forum, etc.

Although space is not much a problem, we would limit the time big images are stored on the site. Pictures of alumni activities can be stored temporarily, say 1-2 months, for members to download.

We welcome your suggestions and will be glad to discuss any questions you may have.

2004/08/07, modified on 2005/12/18, 2010/08/15

This page was created by Yidao Cai on Aug. 7, 2004. Last modified on 2010/08/15.

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