Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

Dean Fan visits Fukushima Medical University

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送交者:for Liu Yu
送交时间:2003/10/06 11:45
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级


Dean Fan visits Fukushima Medical University

for Liu Yu 贴于2003/10/06 11:45 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear Dr. Kang,

In Sep. 22 to 25, Dean Fan together with vice-dean Ms. Deng visited
Fukushima Medical University, which I am now studying in. School of
Medicine has established friendly relationship with Fukushima Medical University
since 1999. From that year on, 3 teachers every year from former Hubei
Medical University come to Fukushima for further studying and researching

for 3 months. This time, Dean Fan came to Japan for renewing the
communication agreement for next 5 years. Since new Hope School of Nursing
has been established for just several months, Dean Fan expects to establish
friendly relationship and regular communication with the Nursing School of

Fukushima Medical University. During the visit, Dean Fan gave a speech
named "Medical Education in China".

Enclosed are some pictures about the visit and the new school of Medicine
of Wuhan University.

I hope this piece of news and pictures are useful for the Alumni web page.

Best regards,

Liu Yu

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