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Fundraising for Wuhan Univ. Assn – US East Scholarship at Wuda

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送交时间:2003/10/30 13:16
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Fundraising for Wuhan Univ. Assn – US East Scholarship at Wuda

cai 贴于2003/10/30 13:16 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Fundraising for Wuhan Univ. Assn – US East Scholarship at Wuda
And other matters

Dear Alumni/friends:

The 110th Anniversary of Wuda is coming soon. What can we do for this historical event? Upon discussion with Wuda and among our alumni friends, we think the best way is to establish a Scholarship at Wuda under our assn name. Our assn is very well-known at Wuda and Wuda values our existence and certainly appreciate that we can do something special for wuda.

Our plan is to ask everyone of us to donate $100. We have about 150 alumni in our list. Plus former Hubei medical univ. alumni of about 200, (Mr. Kang Xiaoqiang, please help us with your network, thanks.) we are a bigger organization. Therefore, a scholarship under our assn name should be a good size, right? We think the minimum is 100,000 RMB. Many alumni assns in China have set up 300,000 RMB scholarships. If we have a very small one, that will be embarrassing, right?

We strongly encourage everyone of us to donate $100. Of course, we encourage more amounts; also, if some of us really cannot give $100, you can consider a lesser amount.
I will go back to Wuda for the anniversary celebration to represent all of us. If anyone wishes to go, please let me know and Wuda will make proper arrangements too. The travel tickets to Wuhan and back will be borne ourselves, but once you get into Wuhan, the univ. will pick up all the expenses. Including good hotel.

The Univ. strongly encourage us to make a talk to the univ./students there. But please make plan asap. Please write check payable to Zhiyu Hu, Atty Trust Acct. I will gather all the money and I will write a big check to Wuda at the ceremony on Nov. 29, 2003 at Wuda.

Your early response and arrangements will be greatly appreciated.

Zhiyu Hu, President
zhiyuhu @ aol . com

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