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find friends li,xin lu,tao and kang,jian

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送交者:Ying Luo
送交时间:2000/06/10 22:44
武汉大学校友论坛 : 寻人购物
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find friends li,xin lu,tao and kang,jian

Ying Luo 贴于2000/06/10 22:44 (武汉大学校友论坛)

li,xin lu,tao kang,jian
I am yinge.I miss you very much.I called li,xin and lu,tao.And you all told me
that you'll send mail to me but i didn't receive it now.I have already came to
USA three months.And I miss all of you very much.By the way I know kang,jian have
already entered the graduate school of tongji medical university.Congradulation!

If any of you find this message please connect with me.Thank you.

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《你好,休斯敦》记叙了季家凰博士旅美20多年所经历的往事。人民文学出版社的精选之一。教育子女的指导书; 到美国来求学或了解美国参考书;帮助自己感悟的好书;回国送礼的佳品!