Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network


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送交时间:2005/02/21 11:06
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cai 贴于2005/02/21 11:06 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear alumni,

Happy Spring Festival!

As we celebrate our traditional holiday, the 2004 term of our alumni
associations comes to an end. Due to the nature of work and family
reasons, both of our 2005 president-elect and vice president candidates
are not be able to be on board for this year's positions. Consultations
with previous presidents yielded many excellent proposals: going to
younger members, geographic diversification, and letting more members
involved in choosing the leadership term in future. For this term, we
have identified the following candidates.

Zheng Hao (president): Ms. Zheng studied Medicine in HBMU 1992-1997.
After graduation, she went on to pursue a Master's degree in Tongji.
She came to US in 2000 and is now a Ph.D. candidate at the Department
of Biology, University of Houston. Ms. Zheng was very active while in
HBMU, holding many leadership positions. Her experience will surely
benefit our association.

Xiao Shu-Yuan (president-elect): Dr. Xiao entered HBMU in 1979 and
also got his Master degree from HBMU (Virology). He is currently
Associate Professor in Departments of Pathology and Internal Medicine,
University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (near Houston).

Hu Jianming (vice president): Dr. Hu (class 1978) was one year senior
than Dr. Xiao, also got his Master degree from the Institute of Virology
in HBMU. He then got his PhD degree from Penn State University. He is
now Associate Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology,
Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine.

Both Drs. Hu and Xiao are active in our alumni associations and they
are sure to complements Ms. Zheng very well to form a strong leadership

Please send your comments by replying to this message.

Thank you!

Zhong Shen, President
Feng Yinghong, Vice President

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