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e-mail and tel list of our 79 class in US

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送交时间:2004/11/04 19:51
武汉大学校友论坛 : 湖北医学院79级园地
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e-mail and tel list of our 79 class in US

zhinan 贴于2004/11/04 19:51 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear All:

Shall we organize the e-mial and tel list of our class 79 in US?

Since we misseed the reunion in Wuhan, maybe we can have a gathering in US someday.

If you like the idea, please let me know by send me an e-mail: zhinan . yin @ yale . edu

Talk to you soon.

My tel: 203-7372772


Thanks --- 肖书渊 2004/11/02 13:32 (295 bytes)

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《你好,休斯敦》记叙了季家凰博士旅美20多年所经历的往事。人民文学出版社的精选之一。教育子女的指导书; 到美国来求学或了解美国参考书;帮助自己感悟的好书;回国送礼的佳品!