Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

Poll: name change for our alumni association?

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送交时间:2000/11/20 14:07
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Poll: name change for our alumni association?

cai 贴于2000/11/20 14:07 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Hi everybody,

As you are all know, our alma mater Hubei Medical University is now part of
Wuhan University. One question that arises naturally is whether we want to
change the name of our organization --- Hubei Medical University Overseas
Alumni Association. Please express your opinion by taking part of this survey:

1. don't change, keep old name;

2. change name, identify Wuhan University School of Medicine in the new name;

3. change name, identify both Hubei Medical University and Wuhan University
in the new name.

Please do not worry about the exact name at present, if your choice is
2 or 3 (i.e. change to a new name).

Please send your email to cai @ neurophys . wisc . edu with your choice or simply
reply to this message.

If you feel strongly that it should be one way or the other, please voice your
opinion in the Alumni Forum (follow link in our web site) so that others
will know. I will read your comments came back with your email, but will
not relay it to others by email. However, I do take suggestions for new
names if that is your choice.

For news and events related the new Wuhan University, see our web site
http://www.neurophys.wisc.edu/~cai/hbmu/ .

Have a happy Thanksgivings Holiday !

Yidao Cai

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