Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

Postdoc position

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送交者:SY Xiao
送交时间:2001/09/25 18:33
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级

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Postdoc position

SY Xiao 贴于2001/09/25 18:33 (武汉大学校友论坛)

A postdoctoral position is available to study the pathogenesis of West Nile virus encephalitis in a small animal model and cell culture systems [Xiao et al. Emerg. Infect. Dis 7:714; 2001]. Applicants should have a PhD or MD, or equivalent degree, with experience in RT-PCR, apoptosis analysis, RNase protection assays and immunofluorescence. Annual stipend $25,000 - $32,000 depending on experience. Reply with CV and names of 3 references to: Shu-Yuan Xiao, M.D., email:syxiao @ utmb . edu .

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