Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

July 4, 2013

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送交时间:2013/07/04 09:41
武汉大学校友论坛 : 湖北医学院80级园地
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医80级 湖医88级


July 4, 2013

CK 贴于2013/07/04 09:41 (武汉大学校友论坛)

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Thank you, Zhong Shen and thank you everyone! I am deeply moved by all you have done to help me!
I think that the site should be used by all of us and it should become our information exchange center. when 长坤called this morning, we talked about how to utilize the site. We thought we should post my information from my first email to all of you to the daily communications from you all. Everyone can post comments, questions and stories and other useful informations to promote communication among all of 80 级classmates. Together we are strong and fearless! I want everyone of us can reach out for help and share happiness, success, as well as sadness and sorrow. I am only starting this for us and I hope each of our classmates will use the site for this purpose with no reservation. I did not know how to post my emails yet, so Chang Kun agreed to help out. I will try to update you on my situation periodically if someone can post for me that will be great. I feel I have too much to write right now.
Here is my today's update.

Today, my oldest son came home from New York where he worked for three years in an investment bank. My younger son, Dan also came home form Kabuta, a heavy duty machinery manufacture company about an hour away where he started his new job as an engineer last month right after graduating from Georgia Tech. After dinner, we all gathered around our ground piano. David started playing 月亮代表我的心, my husband and I started to sing the lyrics. Dan and Amy, my youngest also joined in. My three kids all learned to sing this song after hearing my husband and I sing the song so many times over the years. It became their favorite Chinese song also. After that song, my kids sang some English songs that I did not know the lyrics. Until they started signing My Heart Will Go On from Titanic, I joined in again. We all had a great time. Amy even pretended to be the actress and posted at the very front of the Titanic which are two posts at the entrance of my living room. The whole house was filled with music and laughter. What a happy family life! I have not sung a song like this for quite a while. It made me feel great!

Sorry I did not send this out yesterday. It was too late and I was too tired to finish this email.



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