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July 5,2013, from Zhihong

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送交时间:2013/07/06 08:08
武汉大学校友论坛 : 湖北医学院80级园地
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July 5,2013, from Zhihong

CK 贴于2013/07/06 08:08 (武汉大学校友论坛)

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Hope you all had a great 4th of July, everyone!
It was a very wet day here in Athens, Georgia. It rained on and off almost the entire day. We did not go to the Veteran's Park nearby to watch the fire works as planed since it was still kind of misty nearvthe time the fire works was supposed to start. We thought it might have been cancelled. Also it was getting dark quickly. By the time we heard the fire works from our home we were all deep into a video game. Of cause, I was only watching and my three kids were playing. Before I was not that hot on my kids playing video games, now I welcome the laughters and playfulness of my three kids. As always, I feel so luck to have such three wonderful children.



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