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Overseas Alumni Network

June 16, 2013, from Zhong Shen

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送交时间:2013/07/12 11:58
武汉大学校友论坛 : 湖北医学院80级园地
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June 16, 2013, from Zhong Shen

CK 贴于2013/07/12 11:58 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear Zhihong:

At the moment, I believe, we , your classmates, brothers and sisters, all shocked by this news! I agree with Chuanming’s advice, after essential lab exam, immediately do surgery ASAP, don’t even think about rely on Chinese medicine or other alternative methods, that will be delay your treatment.

My wife’s cousin has similar situation like you , he did surgery in Tongji 6 year ago. He is fine after surgery , I believe you should be OK like him.

Anything we can do for you and your family, please don’t hesitated let us know, because we are not only classmates, but also brothers and sisters!



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