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June 16, 2013, from Xuejun

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送交时间:2013/07/12 12:06
武汉大学校友论坛 : 湖北医学院80级园地
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June 16, 2013, from Xuejun

CK 贴于2013/07/12 12:06 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Dear Zhihong,
Sorry to hear your bad news. Please be strong and believe this shall pass and you will be fine again. I remember I said this to my PhD mentor 15 years ago when he was diagnosed as tonsil carcinoma that had metastasized to local lymph nodes. He went through a thorough surgery and subsequent chemotherapy at Mayor Clinics. As I predicted, he survived and became healthy again rather quickly. Currently he is a department chairman at New York Institutes of Technology in Long Island, NY. As you know, medicine and surgery have been truly advanced a lot since we graduated from medical school. The treatment will take its course and you will be fine soon. We all are with you to fight through this difficult time.

Xuejun Wang and family
Vermillion, SD


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