1. E-card from HBMU > From: "lin yang" > Subject: Happy New Year! > Date: Sun, 06 Feb 2000 11:26:04 PST Hi, YiDao: Here is the ecard from HbMU. I don't know if you received it or not. Could you please transfer the info to everybody? Thanx! http://www.cardshow.com.cn/usercard21/9498195272020103040018/vEdVeQ.htm Happy Chinese New Year! Lin Yang 2. Message from president of HBMUOAA > Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 11:14:06 -0500 (EST) > From: SHUI QING YE syq@welch.jhu.edu My dear alumni: As you might have already known, the torch of Hubei Medical University Overseas Alumni Association has been passed from Zhi-Ming Zheng, then to Ke Ren and now to me under the guidance of our respected teachers Professors Hongsheng Tian and Shiying Tao. Zhi-Ming and Ke Ren have ably steered our association into the 21th century. Their shoes are too big for me to suit and my goal is "to keep the ball (our alumni association) rolling (staying in the course)". I am informing you that the following personnel will serve our alumni association in current term (for year 2000): Senior advisors: Hongsheng Tian, Shiying Tao, Zhi-Ming Zheng, and Ke Ren President: Shui Qing Ye (syq@jhmi.edu) Vice-president and treasurer: Yidao Cai (cai@nba71.med.uth.tmc.edu) President-elect: Jiancheng Tu (jiancheng@jhmi.edu) Councilmen (the list is in the alphabetic order of the last names): Fu Li (fulee@hotmail.com), Singapore Meihui Pan (mp417@hotmail.com), New York, USA Jian Song (J.Song @mailbox.uq.edu-au), Australia Jian Wang (jianwang1998@yahoo.com), Japan Zhengxiong Xi (xizheng@post.its.mcw.edu), Milwaukee, USA Ping Ye (Ye.Ping@kim.msp.ulaval.ca), Canada Jianping Zheng (jianping@hsc.usc.edu), Los Angeles, USA Shen Zhong (zhongs@stanleyresearch.org), Washington, D.C., USA Zhao Zhou (zhouz@centocor.com), Pennsylvania, USA With Yidao, who first established and continue to maintain our alumni webpage and a steadily driving force for our alumni association, as a vice-president, dear friends of mine and Yidao as councilmen, and advisors as ushers, we are confident that we will realize our goal-"to keep the ball (our alumni association) rolling (staying in the course)". Again, I'd like to thank those councilmen who served in the previous administrations. On behalf of our alumni association, I welcome any constructive criticism, advice and suggestions and volunteers to serve our association in the future. According to our tradition, Chinese New Year just begins. The Zodiac of the New Year is Dragon. Dragon symbolizes vitality and enthusiasm. With spirit of Dragon, Yidao and I wish that everybody would have a wonderful and prosperous New Year. Shui Qing Ye *********************************************** * Shui Qing Ye, M.D. Ph.D. * * Director, Core Mol.Biol.Lab * * Assistant Professor * * Lipid Research Atherosclerosis Division * * Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine* * 600 N. Wolfe Street/CMSC 604 * * Baltimore, MD 21287-3654 * * Tel.No. (410)614-2521 * * Fax. (410)955-1276 * * Email:syq@jhmi.edu * ***********************************************