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Australia 澳大利亚

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Australia 澳大利亚

Total Number: 17

NameCAO Dandan 曹丹丹
DepartmentNo 1. Hospital 2000-2003
AddressSydney -Australia
Email & phone
DateSat Dec 18 23:56 2010

NameDONG Leslie
DepartmentBusiness School
AffiliationCommonwealth Bank of Australia
Address105 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East, VIC 3123, Australia
Email & phone
DateThu Jan 9 22:56 2014

NameFAN WeiQi 樊维琦
SpouseStephen Riley
Department03/1978-12/1982, students
12/1982-01/1989, Ying Cheng's People Hospital
01/1989-present, Monash Medical Centre, Mercy Hospital for Women, Royal Women's Hospital and Royal Children's Hospital
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
DegreePhD in Medicine, 1993-1997, Monash University
AffiliationConsultant Paediatrician, The Nothern Hospital, Melbourne University
Monashe Medical Centre, Monash University
Address10 Birbank Court, Doncaster, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3108
Email & phone
FaxFax (6 1 3 )9 8 4 8 5 7 1 7
DateFri Dec 7 16:18 2007

NameHU Min
Year09/1982-07/1987; 09/1987-07/1990
DepartmentClass 8202, 09/1982-07/1987, undergraduate student
Parasitology, 09/1987-07/1990, master student
DegreePh.D, 2003 The University of Melbourne, Australia
AffiliationDept. of Vet. Science
The University of Melbourne
Email & phone
DateWed Sep 26 19:47 2007

NameLIU Wei
DepartmentClass 7703, 02/1978-02/1983, Student
DegreeB. Med in 1983, Hubei Medical University
Address54, Kennedy St, Kingsford, 2032 NSW, Sydney, Australia.
Email & phone
DateWed, 31 Oct 2001 00:48:10 CST

NameLIU Weihong
SpouseXU, Liping
DepartmentCardiology, No.1 Hospital, 09/1986-03/1994
DegreeM Med in 1989, Hubei Medical University
Ph.D in 1998, The University of Western Australia, Australia
AffiliationRoyal Adelaide Hospital
University of Adelaide, South Australia
Address10B Bricknell Street
Magill, SA, 5072, Australia
Email & phone
DateFri Dec 19 04:59 2003

NamePAN Ling 潘玲
Department护理系, 09/1988-07/1991, Student
N0.1 Hospital, 10/1991-10/2007, 耳鼻喉科
AffiliationDorevitch Pathology, Victoria, Australia
AddressBox Hill South, Victoria, Australia
Email & phone
DateSat May 28 10:10 2011

NameSONG ChangJie
DepartmentMaster student, 09/1987-07/1990
Cardiology, No. 2 Hospital, 07/1990-04/2000
DegreeM Med in 1990, Hubei Medical University
AffiliationANZAC Research Institute, Concord Hospital
University of Sydney, Australia
Email & phone
Fax6 1 2 9 7 6 7 9 1 0 1
DateTue May 18 21:03 2004

NameSONG Jian
SpouseWan, Yu
DepartmentClass 85, 09/1985-07/1988, postgraduate
Anatomy, Dept.Basic Medical Sciences, teacher
DegreeM Med in 1988, Hubei Medical University
AffiliationCenter for Research in Vascular Biology
University of Queensland
AddressDept.of Anatomical Sciences
University of Queesland
Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia
Email & phone
Web pagemembers.forfree.at/~song/

NameWU Jiaming
Department8310, 09/1983-08/1988, student
AffiliationSt George Hospital, The University Of New South Wales
AddressSydney, Australia
Email & phone
DateMon Oct 3 00:55 2005

NameXIAO Yin
SpouseSHI Wei
Year09/1981-07/1986, 09/1988-07/1991
Departmentclass 8116, 09/1981-07/1986, student.
09/1988-07/1991, graduate student, Dentistry, Hospital of Stomatology
DegreePhD, 2000, University of Queensland, Australia
AffiliationTissue Bioregeneration & Integration
Life Science
Queensland University of Technology
Address20 Calrossy street, Boondall, Brisbane, Qld 4034, Australia
Email & phone
DateTue Mar 11 20:08 2003

Affiliation悉尼及阿德萊德 Australia
Email & phone
DateWed Sep 19 05:41 2012

NameYE Ning
Departmentclass 8416 09/1984-07/1989
dentistry, No.1 hospital,
DegreeB med in 1989, Hubei Medical University
AffiliationAsia pacific management school
Australian National University
Email & phone
DateMON 17-JUL-2000 09:30:17 CDT

NameZHANG Hesheng
SpouseCHEN Yi
DepartmentChemistry, teacher
School of Basic Medical Science
DegreeM. Sc. in 1986, Hubei University
AffiliationDepartment of Chemistry
The University of Queensland
Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia
Email & phone
DateThu, 01 Jan 1998 20:20:24 CST

NameZHANG Wanglai 张望来
Departmentclass 8905, 09/1989-07/1994 student
Neurosurgeon,1994-1997 postgraduate, 1997-2000
AddressBrisbane, Australia
Email & phone
DateSat Oct 9 03:27 2010

NameZHANG Xing-Ming
Year09/1982-07/1987, 09/1996-06/1999
Departmentclass 8211, 09/1982-07/1987, undergraduate, No.8200
Burn Centre, Wuhan 3rd Hospital, 08/1987-09/1999, surgeon
postgraduate coursework, 09/1996-06/1997
DegreeM Medicine in 1999, HMU
AffiliationDepartment of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Monash University
Email & phone
DateMON 12-MAR-2001 00:03:02 CST

NameZHANG YiEn 张依恩
DepartmentClass 7715, 03/1978-12/1982, student, Stomatology
DegreeM. Sci., University of Otago. New Zealand
Postgr Dip Clin Den. University of Otago, New Zealand
AffiliationSydney Roseville Dental Centre
Address3/7-9 Letts St, Sydney 2000 Australia
Email & phone
DateSat Sep 22 03:29 2007

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