Wuhan University
Overseas Alumni Network

Thanks for the suggestion, we need volunteers to help

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送交时间:2005/04/29 08:52
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湖医87级研究生 湖医79级 湖医88级


Thanks for the suggestion, we need volunteers to help

cai 贴于2005/04/29 08:52 (武汉大学校友论坛)

Thanks for your suggestion, Julia. I agree that we need to spend a lot of time to polish the web site, but time is exactly what we don't have right now. A few years back (when Dr. Kang was President of HBMUOAA), we established a web committee in the council, hoping to distribute the work load, but in the end it did not work out. So what we really need is a group of devoted people to help maintain the web site, each may be responsible for a specific area. I would like more suggestions/discussions.

Now I would answer some specific questions:

1. Regarding not able to post articles

We have no restrictions in the software to prevent posting an "original news article" but allow a "followup message". You may try again. If you have such problem again, please email me (see end of message) and tell me the details (time, browser you use, etc).

We do have the capability to block spammers who post a lot of messages in a short period of time. The software built-in block is temporary, i.e. after about 3 days it automatically unblock, and we can also permanently block a particular spammer.

2. We do have some kind of "censorship", if you like to call it, as in any web sites. This site is for Wuda alumni so we hope what is posted is related to Wuda and its alumni. But we are in general pretty much open to everything. We don't want ads in general, but we are in fact considering opening a special section for ads.

Again I want to make sure that this forum is open to everybody, and "anybody can post anything, including comments and any news", as long as they are Wuda related.

3. Broken links

Yes this site was first up running almost 10 years ago. We need people to help identify broken links and fix them.

yidao . cai @ uth . tmc . edu


Small suggestions, but important concepts! --- Julia 2005/04/28 16:35 (1634 bytes)

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