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    本论坛上所有文章只反映送交者的观点. 本坛保留删除任何我们认为不适合本坛的文章的权力.

    本论坛创建于1999年底, 原为武汉大学医学部暨湖北医科大学校友论坛.

    This page was created on Dec. 11, 1999, and was last modified on Sat Oct 22 03:44:36 2022.

    徐懋庸-武大整人第一人 --- 项烁 2005/10/07 20:10 (6109 bytes)
    seeking of admission in MBBS --- Israr Ahmad 2005/10/05 04:49 (129 bytes)
    Hubei High Ranking Delegation and the Show (文艺晚会) --- wuda 2005/10/04 12:12 (1212 bytes) [图]
    iwant to admission in hubei university --- saadia naseem 2005/10/04 11:04 (18 bytes)
    追怀武大校长 --- 高仰止 2005/10/04 06:13 (300 bytes)
    武汉大学医学院(原湖北医学院)85级全体同学聚会的通告 --- Stone 2005/09/28 07:19 (1339 bytes)
    想考武大的信息安全博士,但不知道参考书 --- kyle jiang 2005/09/22 03:18 (80 bytes)
    关于举办武汉大学医学院(原湖北医科大学)80级 毕业二十周年同学聚会的通知 --- Xiaoqiang Kang 2005/09/21 11:27 (5150 bytes)
    Hurricane Rita evacuation --- cai 2005/09/21 09:04 (1371 bytes)
    中科院候选院士肖传国的所谓NIH质询顾问和评审 --- neblo 2005/09/20 13:32 (2830 bytes)
    驳《一位武汉大学学子想对高中毕业生说》 --- SGG 2005/09/17 02:24 (931 bytes)
    中科院候选院士肖传国(昏教授)伪造简历曝光 --- neblo 2005/09/16 20:15 (3207 bytes)
    您的贴子为什么被删除 --- 管理员 2005/09/13 08:03 (246 bytes)
    诚聘代考 --- ccc 2005/09/06 20:04 (153 bytes)
    [wuda]武大校友会红木林野餐聚会报导 --- wuda 2005/09/06 13:10 (1228 bytes)
    北大青鸟,欢迎您!咨询QQ:271605388 --- lijing 2005/09/06 04:43 (1903 bytes)
    A US High Tech company(Shanghai) is seeking qualified sales executives in the navigational industry. --- elaineyyy 2005/09/05 00:42 (1095 bytes)
    A US High Tech company(Base in Shanghai) is seeking qualified sales executives in the navigational industry. --- elaineyyy 2005/09/05 00:35 (1115 bytes)
    Who has the Tel or e-mail add of Wu Xiaoyan and Chen Jiangang in USA --- Xiong Danqing 2005/09/04 22:36 (96 bytes)
    [wuda]Northern CA Wuda Alumni Summer Picnic on 9/3 --- wuda 2005/08/29 09:28 (2230 bytes)
    [wuda] Book: "Discrete Surfaces and Manifolds" --- wuda 2005/08/25 11:19 (2079 bytes)
    [wuda] Possible volleyball team? --- zt 2005/08/22 08:24 (953 bytes)
    招聘 --- helen 2005/08/17 01:11 (89 bytes)
    [wuda] invitation from NCCAF (Northern CA) --- zt 2005/08/12 07:39 (2192 bytes)
    大家有空就过来看看吧 --- dada 2005/08/12 03:11 (87 bytes)
    苏州大学管理出新规:已婚女大学生可以休产假 --- 扬子报 2005/08/05 07:58 (1150 bytes)
    松鹤延年 --- 松鹤 2005/08/03 20:41 (452 bytes)
    [wuda] 评武汉大学对举报易国华博士论文造假事件的最后处理结果 --- wuda 2005/08/03 06:57 (1452 bytes)

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